man dribbling a jelly donut on his shirt

The Single Greatest Blogging Mistake You’re Making Right Now

There’s a big mistake you’ve been making since your company started its blog. You make this mistake every time you publish another post and it’s becoming a turn-off for your blog visitors. They see your mistake in every article, but it’s completely invisible to you.

Concerned by uninspiring metrics, you ramp up your blogging efforts, only to amplify your gaffe. Your bounce rate slowly climbs and you’re considering throwing in the towel. Maybe you’ll back off on your blogging schedule and devote effort towards other activities.

Fortunately, there’s an easy fix. Stop talking about your business.

Your Blog Isn’t About You

Don’t write about your products, the solutions you offer, your latest recognition. Don’t blog about your services. And definitely don’t post your latest company news!

Why? Because your visitors aren’t that into you.

Your readers are looking for solutions to problems that are keeping them up at night. They’re feeling a pain and looking for relief. The last thing your buyers are interested in is someone else’s agenda for making a sale.

[bctt tweet=”The last thing your buyers are interested in is someone else’s agenda for making a sale.” username=”billkerschbaum”]

When your content is about your products, your solutions, your latest accomplishments, it sounds like you’re only interested in yourself. Ever go on a first date with someone who couldn’t stop talking about themselves? Was there a second date? Didn’t think so.

And that’s why writing about you is the single biggest blogging mistake you’re making. You’re driving away your leads.

[bctt tweet=”Writing about yourself is the single biggest blogging mistake you’re making” username=”billkerschbaum”]

Of course, this poses a problem.

How to Sell without Selling

The whole reason your blog exists is to generate leads and help you reach your marketing goals. It’s a marketing tool, pure and simple. Right?

Right. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

But sometimes the best way to earn a sale isn’t by selling. It’s by helping.

[bctt tweet=”Sometimes the best way to earn a sale isn’t by selling. It’s by helping. ” username=”billkerschbaum”]

Win Leads and Influence Visitors

The best way to fix your Number One blogging mistake is simply by providing content that educates and helps your readers solve their problems. Give them content they’re interested in—content that’s about them and their problems—and they’ll keep coming back for more.

And pretty soon they’ll begin to see how great you are, and how knowledgeable and trustworthy you are. And it won’t be long before they start thinking about buying your solutions. Because by now they’ve been dating you long enough to fall in love.

Need help writing content that your customers love? Let’s talk – I can help you iron out the wrinkles.